Hemiville, the newest place to ride

When the late Keith Stephenson passed it was a huge loss to the Coromandel region. Keith’s nickname was Hemi and he had a vision and drive to create a children’s area that enabled tots to learn to ride in a safe fun space. In September 2022 after much discussion and lots of pre testing, Hemiville Bike Playground was brought to life. With dozens of young and not so old enjoying the taniwha wooden feature, the bikealotis weta and volcano poles all glowing in the dark. The park was designed and constructed by Local Trails and local artist Rebekah Pearson with Allan on the recycled construction of the Weta legs. Mulch was donated by Dynamic Dan and the community turned out in force to rake it into place. The area is open in all weather and free to use. Please wear a helmet.


Cycle Fest gets kids on bikes


Hauraki Coromandel Biking Strategy