Cross country trails ready to go for Queens Birthday Weekend.

Under construction the new cross country trails

The Spirit of Coromandel Trust is thrilled to announce that the Ride Coromandel Bike Park cross-country trails will be open from Queen’s Birthday Weekend – Saturday 5th June 2021. The first dedicated mountain bike tracks in Coromandel have now been built!

The Trails

Two intermediate grade single trail, one-way loop tracks have been developed in the Kauri Block area beginning from the bike park hub on Hauraki Road, Coromandel.

Ara Tuatahi (the first way) is about 5.5 km long. Rickers Return (named after the Kauri rickers) is about 1.8 km long.

Please enjoy trying out these newly developed trails, but here are a few reminders:

For safety, the trails are one way and designed only for bikes. You must be aware of kauri dieback disease and pass through the wash station before entering the tracks. Always wear a helmet and closed shoes. Ebikes are allowed, but no motorbikes. Tracks may be closed in wet weather so please follow our facebook page for updates. Stay on track – there are mine shafts, kauri trees to protect, and items of cultural significance that should not be disturbed. The longer trail crosses a walking track, please look out for walkers when you cross and do not go down the walking track on your bike. Enjoy the trails, but take it easy on your first time!

Kauri Dieback

We are fortunate to be able to ride through this Kauri Block so we need to be extra mindful of our responsibility not to spread the disease of Kauri Dieback. Please come to the bike park with a clean bike. There are washing stations to clean your bike again before entering and then after leaving. The wash station procedure is SCRUB your wheels and CHECK for mud. Pass your bike wheels through the sanitation trough to DISINFECT and remember to STAY ON TRACK.

Thank you

The realisation of this bike park has been a long-held dream for the Spirit of Coromandel Trust and would not have happened without the support of many in the community and partnerships with Te Patukirikiri, TCDC, Department of Conservation, and Heritage NZ. Our major funders have been NZ Communities Trust and TCDC. Thanks to Keith and Rita Stephenson, Andy Reid, Ally Davey, and Paul Johnson for their efforts in building this park. RIDE COROMANDEL is looking for volunteers to help develop a bike club and keep this facility an awesome asset for the community. If you can help, please contact Keith Stephenson.

Ara Tuatahi cross country trail.


Innovative design to Kauri Protection launched


Single Trails complete the bike park